Part 96: Aaaand so we show up at just the right time.
-Commercial City of Bose-

Mirano: Yes, that's right. You all must be bracers?

Mirano: That's right. I'd like to head to that lovely little town and have a look at their orchards. Though, if I may, you look a little young for a bracer. Are you quite sure you can do this?

I bet Ragnard would be willing to provide a good reference. Let's have him visit.

Mirano: Oh, my! I suppose you really can't judge by a cover. I always liked putting my own covers on my books, anyway. I'll trust you, young lady. How about it? Shall we be off?

Mirano: Very good! Let's be off, then.

Mirano: I'll meet you by the west gate. I imagine you have a few things to prepare before we go!

Mirano: Very good. Don't keep me waiting long, now.

Mirano: Shall we proceed, then?

Mirano: Yes, quite so! What a waste of time a fight would be, too. Why, keep me out of danger, and I may just give you all a nice little bonus.

You heard the lady. Don't get in any battles if you want the bonus for this job. Sometimes the game will pull a hilarious dick move like making dun-colored monsters sit right in the middle of a narrow, dun-colored path...

...but you've still got Heaven's Eye and Haze or Yin-Yang, so avoiding trouble should be child's play.

-A Cat Relaxing in the Sun-

Mirano: They've already started to rebuild their orchards, little by little.

Mirano: Yes, I believe in them. I wish we merchants could be of some aid to them...

Mirano: Oh, my, no. I have no intention of setting myself up as some kind of savior to these people. I'm ultimately just here for business. I'm going to look at the orchards and get a feel for how bad the situation is. Of course, if things are looking up, I can always invest! Well, then! I should be getting to work.

Mirano: It is, indeed. I must declare, I sorely misjudged you earlier! I'll contact Lugran and arrange a bonus for you.

Mirano: Why would I lie about a thing like that? You've earned it. Be careful on your way back.

Ravennue Village has a few secrets for you.

Lewey: And Agate's here too!! Agate's back, Agate's back!

Lewey: Yeah, I'm okay! Especially since the scary dragon is gone now, right?

Lewey: Okay! Oh, but. Now that we can play outside, I'll give you this book!
Received Gambler Jack - Vol. 8.
Lewey: See you later! Today we get to play a lot since we were inside for so long! Miss, you should play with us too!
Vince: We're gonna plant new saplings in the orchards, like they said! I'm gonna help out too so they give us fruit soon!
Fran: Vince is talking like THAT again. He was like this the last time some saplings were being planted, too. He'll be sick of it again in three days, at most. Just watch.

Apple: The orchard's been cleaned up, and life is getting a little back to normal. The day will come when those new saplings bear fruit. And until then, we'll just keep at it!

Limon: I hear Elder Reisen took donations of some kind for the village. Maybe we really will be able to restore the orchards now! Yeah, we're gonna be okay!

Figaro: There's a contingent of soldiers still guarding the old mine, too. I think it will be a long time before we can really put all this behind us.

Mirano: These people will need funding to rebuild their orchards. I must have words with Father and have our family prepare our own restoration fund. Blast all to 'business.' These people shouldn't have to rely on handouts to rebuild their lives.

Elder Reisen: We have elected to accept Ragnard's goldia crystal as his apology. We will use every single mira it brings us to restore the village. It still staggers me, in honesty. He can create great crystals of septium at will? Dragons truly defy all logic, at least as we men know it.

-Rock on the Road-

Royal Army Soldier: We've got to contact headquarters for reinforcements!
Royal Army Officer: They're that strong...?
Royal Army Soldier: Yes, sir! I've never seen monsters like these before! Gehenna, I wonder if they're even monsters, really...

Royal Army Officer: Uwaah! Who're you?!

Royal Army Officer: Bracers? Hm...!

Royal Army Officer: could say that. Something completely unexpected has occurred here.

Royal Army Officer: see...Monsters have appeared in this abandoned mine.

Royal Army Officer: That's true, but...You see, the monsters in here are...not normal monsters.

Royal Army Soldier: It's true, I say! They're goddamn insects made of metal! They sprang up out of nowhere all throughout the mine.

Royal Army Officer: My squad's mission is to ensure local security. Unfortunately, we don't have the kind of firepower necessary to deal with unknown monsters. This is all a stone's throw from Ravennue Village, however. We can't just ignore an infestation of unknown creatures near an inhabited area, either.

Royal Army Officer: I guess I'm pretty easy to read at this point, huh? Still, this is becoming fairly common, isn't it? The guild and army helping one another, I mean. I'm sorry to ask this of you, but could you help us?

Royal Army Officer: Thank you! We'll owe you after this.

Royal Army Officer: That's right. We want you to exterminate every one of those unknown monsters dwelling in the mine. They're VERY distinct. You shouldn't have any trouble telling them apart from the others.

Royal Army Soldier: Let's see...One on one, they're not all that strong. It's the ones that show up every now and then with different colors that you need to watch out for.

Royal Army Soldier: Yeah! They use somethin' LIKE arts, but...Man...Gehenna take me if they're like any arts I've ever seen, though!

Royal Army Officer: That should be everything. Allow us to open the gate for you, then.

Royal Army Officer: Well, then...take care, bracers. Come back here if you need a break. We've got an orbment charging station here.

Royal Army Officer: Please do. Aidios' blessing be on you all.

-Wandering in the Darkness-

Aww it's kinda cute!

lookidem wobby lil antenna

Alright never mind, shred 'em.

There are five groups of Vogel archaisms to hunt down in the mine. Most of them have four of the red 235s, and one of the stronger blue 570s.

The last group is all blues.

The game is nice enough to let you know when you're done, but don't leave without hitting this alcove in the southwest corner of the open quarry.

Another lovely arts boost to go with the Buzzer.
-Rock on the Road-

Royal Army Officer: You really did it?! Talk about a relief.

Royal Army Officer: The society...? You mean the Society of Ouroboros, the criminal organization we were briefed on? I see...So it's possible they were behind this...

Royal Army Officer: Yes, please do. I will be sure and make a detailed report to the border garrison regarding this case. I'll also make sure just compensation for your help is transferred to your guild branch.

Royal Army Officer: Well, then, bracers. Take care out there. Let us all make sure we don't drop our watch. That's the only way to fight a foe who stays in the shadows.

Royal Army Officer: Aidios guide your steps, friends.

-Engaged People in Secret Maneuvers-

Enhanced Jaeger 1: Looks like our little guys put up the best fight they could, but it wasn't enough.
Enhanced Jaeger 2: Damned bra--Why do they ALWAYS get in my way?!
Enhanced Jaeger 1: Huh? You know those fools?
Enhanced Jaeger 2: Nah, forget it. I don't want to talk about it. Let's just hurry and gather up the remains.
Enhanced Jaeger 1: Yeah, let's get out of here. That was a fine test for our little archaisms.

Enhanced Jaeger 2: Hmm. Still, they seemed to have their hands full taking on a simple patrol unit. I doubt they'll last long.
Who was that jaeger?
And why do I feel this overpowering urge to stick his head in a toilet?

-Border Patrol Isn't Easy-

Lyndon: As unpopular as I know our dragon 'friend' is right now, as a researcher of ancient life, I have to admit I'm relieved it got away. I can make quite a bit of progress with just the photos we took...if I can keep them. How much I'll be able to publish will be up to my negotiating skills now, not my scientific ones. I still wish I knew why this dragon was acting wildly! It contradicts everything we know about dragons. Such a mystery...

Carlos: Oh, yeah, to mark the occasion, let me give you guys this.
Received Gambler Jack - Vol. 9.
Carlos: That book was my secret pleasure during the more boring parts of base life. Still, though, looking back on it, it wasn't for all that long, but life in the army was more fun than I expected. All right, time to finish my discharge. It's been quite the run-around getting here, but it's finally time for my trip to the Empire! Yeah, from traveling, to the army, and back to the road...This is the life.

-Commercial City of Bose-
While I'm doing CRAZY WACKY things like making sure Father Kevin is as battle-ready as he can be, I'll also buy a few quartz.

Cornelius: Did you see the market building? It's back to how it used to be. It's such a good thing. That place is the symbol of Bose. The whole city lit up the moment it re-opened.
Bose's Lucir Orbal Factory is the first place where you can synthesize tier 4 quartz. I'll pick up an EP Cut 4, and an EP 4.

I haven't needed to buy quartz since Le Locle and I'd really like to save up as much sepith as I can, but I have high hopes for this investment.

Reported results for [Memories of Distant Days].
Payment in mira: 3500 (+0)
Gained BP: 5 (+0)
Reported results for [Merchant Escort].
Payment in mira: 5000 (+5000)
Gained BP: 3 (+2)
Reported results for [Mine Extermination].
Payment in mira: 8000 (+0)
Gained BP: 6 (+0)
Reported results for [Ravennue Trail Monster].
Payment in mira: 6500 (+0)
Gained BP: 5 (+0)

-A Cat Relaxing in the Sun-